Monday, August 08, 2005

The Disrespectful Righ t- Wing Media

Two links for you today ladies and gentlemen and

Let's see... Ronald Reagan died anyone who spoke about some of the bad things he did while president was basically told by the right - wing media how disrespectful we were being toward him and we shouldn't talk bad about the dead. I heard Rush, O'Reilly and Hannity all say that.

Now we come to Journalist Peter Jennings who passed away yesterday, and if you look at those links you will see how it's ok for the right-wing media to talk about anyone who dies, disrespect them and their families, and so far I've heard no one call those psychopaths on the right about it! Well I am ladies and gentlemen we need to start organizing and we need to tell these psychopaths we won't take this anymore because until the right-wing media is stopped this will not get better but worse.

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