Monday, August 22, 2005

The missing man

I would like to talk about someone who has been missing over the past few months. Missing from the news media, missing from the so-called president's speeches missing from the minds of pretty much everyone.

According to Bush NOW, Iraq was the contry that attacked us on 9/11. Not Osama Bin Laden. Weren't we supposed to get him dead or alive?? Preferably dead if I recall. But now in Bush's weekly radio address Iraq is now the central theater in the war on terror so I guess Bin Laden is getting off scott-free cause this failed war on terror is a complete disaster.

One more thing if we were going to Iraq for anything less then control of Iraq's oilfields, just take a look at gas prices before the war and what we are paying now and yes Robert this is directly Bush's fault since we had no reason to go to Iraq at all other then this.


Anonymous said...

You are assuming that since Osama Bin Laden hasn't been in the news much lately and Bush hasn't mentioned him, he is being forgotten. I guess I have to spell this out. The search for Bin Laden requires very different tactics than the liberation of the Iraqi people.

In Iraq, we send tanks, airplanes, and soldiers and use conventional military warfare strategies. These tactics are obviously going to make a lot of noise in the media. We see it on TV every day and Bush obviously has to acknowledge the Iraq situation because it is so visible.

The search for Bin Laden, however, requires stealth and secrecy. It isn't being fought by our military but by the FBI and CIA. I personally believe there is a very diligent hunt for Bin Laden and his accomplices but information concerning this cannot be revealed. In fact, I bet the press has been told specifically to ignore this whole affair and concentrate on Iraq.

Now, before you go spouting off how I blindly support the president, understand that I myself, question Bush's motives for invading Iraq. I do not support everything he does.

Anonymous said...

Bush has completely forgotten about Bin Laden? How do you know this? Just by what he said in a speech? I reiterate, finding Bin Laden is a covert operation requiring spies, informants, and intelligence. As president, Bush cannot go spouting off how we are secretly going after Bin Laden.

Think about it this way, Erik. Even if Bush is the self-ambitious person you believe him to be, wouldn't the finding of Bin Laden be the pinnacle of his presidency? The hunt is on, it's just very difficult to find this man who obviously knows how not to be found.

Erik said...

When was the last time Bin Laden's name has been mentioned?? I can't remember it's been so long. Bush's pinnacle as you put it seems to be in Iraq. That's all he talks about even though it's a miserable failure. In my dreams I would love to see Bush charged in every death that he caused by this illegal war in Iraq!

Anonymous said...

Well, as you stated, that's only going to happen in your dreams.

Erik said...

One more thing I know you disagree with and that is something I've said time and time again if Bush spent HALF the effort in Afghanastan as he did in Iraq we would have easily got Bin Laden by now. But Bush decided Iraqi oil was way more important so Bin Laden is going to get away

Erik said...

And Bush should be charged with War Crimes for the massacre of the Iraqi people that Bush has initiated