Sunday, March 05, 2006

What would Jesus Do??

The reason why I ask that question is due to my favorite (who hasn't yet contacted me about debating him on his show) Bill O'Reilly's column today.

He talks about a bill in the House (House Bill 4437) that passed on December 16th that makes it a criminal defense to knowingly assist illegal aliens in evading immigration laws. The proposed law also calls for a wall at the Mexican border, mandatory detention of illegal aliens caught inside the U.S. and other enforcement provisions.

Of course I have one question why instead of detention does it not call for deportation and instead of a wall why not just have more border patrol agents or perhaps the National Guard but that's not the issue right now.

The reason I bring this up is because one of the provisions in the law state if you are a Priest or Cardinal is you have to ask your congregation (sorry if that's not spelled right) if they are illegal alliens. Isn't that a violation of privelidge or something to that effect?

Well this week Cardinal Roger Mahoney said he would instruct his priests not to do that and in his column Bill O'Reilly asks what would Jesus do?

Of course O'Reilly being the Bush supporter he thinks Jesus would support the law. I kinda disagree with that. I know I'm Jewish and probably not as informed on Jesus as others are but I would think Jesus would want compassion for all men and women. I don't think Jesus would want priest to snitch on a member of the congregation.

But one thing I think Cardinal Mahoney is wrong on is he is quoted in the Los Angeles Times this week saying that he doesn't think Al-Qaida members would trek through the desert. I guess he doesn't realize that the land they are in mainly (Afghanastan,Syria, etc.) is desert.

I am for border enforcement don't get me wrong I support that but I don't feel that preachers should snitch. That's my view.


DominiSumus said...

I think it is appalling that government expects church to work as investigators. If there is any place people should feel safe it is church.

Don't get me wrong, I am no fan of illegal immigration, but it's not the Church's job. Whatever happened to the eccleastical priviledge?

Erik said...

Scary we agree on this.